Adult Education

DAREM places a strong emphasis on adult education programs for the Mbororo and other vulnerable communities they serve.

Climate Change and Justice

As an organization working with Indigenous and marginalized groups, climate change is a major concern for DAREM.

Women's Economic Empowerment

Women in the Mbororo and other communities served by DAREM often face significant barriers to economic participation and independence

MenEngage Alliance project

Sensitizing the communities of Foumban and Foubot on sexual and reproductive health.
About us

Who We Are

DAREM is  is a non-profit organization founded in 2015  on a mission to promote and protect the right of indigenous Mbororo people as well as other vulnerable populations for a peaceful and sustainable living.
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Expert Team

We have a dedicated team driving change and making a difference.
See Team...


We have empowered over 500 individuals in vulnerable communities with essential resources for improving their livelihoods.
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Our Thematic Areas of Interest

Explore our diverse initiatives aimed at creating positive change and empowering communities.

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Highlight major milestones, projects, and impact of DAREM

Discover the milestones we’ve reached and the lives we’ve impacted. Our achievements reflect our commitment to creating lasting change and the collective efforts of our dedicated team, volunteers, and supporters.

Our Programs

Discover Our Impactful Programs

Explore our diverse programs designed to uplift communities, empower individuals, and create sustainable change.

Liquid Soap Production

Many women in the Mbororo and other vulnerable communities lack stable and reliable incomes.

A Story for Every Heart

Conflict and instability have disrupted many Mbororo and other vulnerable communities.

Speak out for peace

creating. a safe space for participants to share their painful stories and experiences
Team member

Meet the Dedicated Team Driving Change and Making a Difference.


Meet the heart and soul of our organization: a dedicated team of passionate individuals committed to driving change and making a tangible difference. 

Hussaina Fadimatou Abdou

Hussaina Fadimatou Abdou

Finance Officer
Tigma Ramson Yipo

Tigma Ramson

Program Officer
Hassana Maryam Abdou

Hassana Maryam Abdou

Gender Officer

Insights and Stories: Explore Our Impact

Dive into our blog to discover inspiring stories, latest updates, and insightful articles about our mission and the communities we serve. Stay informed and inspired by our journey towards positive change.

The people we work with

Our Partners

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