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In a commendable effort to promote environmental stewardship and community service, internship students at the DAREM organization spearheaded a clean-up campaign in the Street 3 community of Buea. This initiative not only aimed to enhance the aesthetics of the neighborhood but also to foster a sense of responsibility among the residents regarding their surroundings.

The Clean-Up Campaign

The campaign, which took place on 18 July 2024, saw the active participation of numerous students, local residents, and volunteers. Armed with cleaning supplies, gloves, and protective gear, the team embarked on a mission to rid the streets of litter, debris, and other environmental pollutants. The students worked tirelessly, covering significant areas of Street 3, ensuring that no stone was left unturned in their quest for a cleaner and healthier environment.

Strengths of the Outdoor Activity
  • Community Engagement:
  • The clean-up campaign provided an excellent platform for community engagement. It brought together people from different backgrounds, fostering a sense of unity and collective responsibility. This collaborative effort highlighted the importance of community involvement in maintaining a clean and safe environment.
  • Practical Experience:

For the internship students, the campaign was an opportunity to gain practical experience in organizing and executing a community service project. It enhanced their leadership, teamwork, and project management skills, which are invaluable in their academic and professional journeys.

Environmental Awareness:

The campaign raised awareness about the impact of littering and pollution on the environment. It educated residents on the importance of proper waste disposal and the benefits of a clean environment, potentially leading to more sustainable practices in the community.

Immediate Impact:

The immediate visible improvement in the cleanliness of the Street 3 area served as a motivational factor for both the participants and the residents. It demonstrated that collective efforts could bring about significant positive changes in the community.

Weaknesses of the Outdoor Activity
  • Limited Scope: Despite the success of the campaign, its scope was limited to Street 3. Expanding such initiatives to other parts of Buea would require more resources, planning, and support from additional volunteers and organizations.
  • Temporary Solution: While the clean-up campaign effectively addressed the litter problem, it is a temporary solution. Without continuous efforts and proper waste management systems in place, the streets might return to their previous state over time.
  • Resource Constraints: Organizing such a campaign required considerable resources, including cleaning supplies, protective gear, and logistical support. Resource constraints could limit the frequency and reach of future clean-up efforts.
  • Internship/Volunteer Fatigue: Sustaining volunteer enthusiasm for repeated clean-up activities can be challenging. Over time, participants might experience fatigue, reducing the effectiveness and impact of the campaigns.


Community Member Quote:

   “Seeing everyone come together to clean up our streets has been truly inspiring. It shows that when we work together, we can make a real difference in our community.” Local Resident, Street 3 Community

Internship Student Quote:

   “Participating in this clean-up campaign has taught us the importance of community service and environmental stewardship. It’s rewarding to see the immediate impact of our efforts.”  DAREM Interns

 DAREM Coordinator Quote:

   “This clean-up campaign is a testament to the power of collaboration and dedication. Our interns have not only contributed to a cleaner environment but have also set an example for others to follow.” [ZAINAB ABDULLAHI], DAREM Coordinator.


The clean-up campaign organized by the internship students at DAREM in the Street 3 community of Buea was a remarkable success, showcasing the strengths of community engagement, practical experience, environmental awareness, and immediate impact. However, to sustain and expand such initiatives, it is crucial to address the limitations related to scope, temporary solutions, resource constraints, internship and volunteer fatigue. With continued effort and support, DAREM and its interns can play a pivotal role in promoting a cleaner and more sustainable environment in Buea and beyond.

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