Engaging Traditional Rulers in Tole Community as Grassroots Champions in The Fight Against Gender Based Violence

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Engaging Traditional Rulers in Tole Community as Grassroots Champions in The Fight Against Gender Based Violence


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Traditional leaders wield significant influence in many communities. This project aims to leverage their authority and reach to drive grassroots change in attitudes and behaviors that enable gender-based violence (GBV). By engaging 10 respected traditional leaders as champions in the Tole community of the South west region of Cameroon, we amplified anti-GBV messaging and catalyze community-led action.

To provide comprehensive GBV prevention training and sensitization to 10 influential traditional leaders.
To support the traditional leaders in developing and implementing community outreach strategies to challenge harmful norms and promote women's rights.

10 traditional rulers in the Tole community

Expected Outcomes:
50 women successfully complete the liquid soap producti- 10 traditional leaders demonstrate enhanced knowledge and commitment to addressing GBV in their communities. on training program.
Local reporting of GBV cases increases by 30% in the targeted communities as more survivors feel empowered to come forward.
Community dialogues facilitated by the traditional leaders lead to the adoption of community bylaws/policies to protect women and girls from violence.

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