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Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights

Donations from Global Fund For Women, Reach Out Cameroon and her partner Amplify Change under the MenEngege Project and Common Action for Gender Development have supported DAREM's health education programs, which have equipped Mbororo women and girls as well those from the larger communities with critical knowledge about family planning, maternal care, and sexual health. This has led to increased contraceptive use, reduced teen pregnancy rates, and lower maternal mortality. Improved reproductive autonomy and healthier families are powerful outcomes that strengthen the overall wellbeing of the Mbororo population.

Peace Building and Human Rights

With funding from Search for Common Ground, Reach Out and Integrated Youth Empowerment Center, DAREM's peace-building work has allowed the organization to mediate conflicts, provide human rights education, and empower Mbororo leaders, women and other community members to advocate for their community's needs. By resolving disputes through nonviolent means and increasing rights awareness, these efforts have reduced violence and injustice. This has fostered greater social cohesion, enabling the Mbororo people and other communities to live with dignity and security. Donations supporting this work have directly contributed to more peaceful and stable communities.

Women Economic Empowermen

With donations from CIVICUS World Alliance to DAREM to the women's economic empowerment program, it helped provided critical startup capital and business training to 50 Mbororo women. This has enabled the women to launch small enterprises like food stalls, and handicraft production. With steady incomes, these women have been able to better support their families, send their children to school, and gain greater financial independence and decision-making power within their households. This economic empowerment has had a ripple effect, strengthening the overall wellbeing and resilience of Mbororo communities.

Health Sensitization and GBV Prevention

Funding from Global Fund For Women and Reach Out Cameroon and her partner Amplify Change under the MenEngege Project, DAREM's GBV prevention workshops and survivor support services has been instrumental in addressing gender-based violence in communities. By raising awareness, providing resources, and empowering survivors to seek help, these initiatives have reduced the incidence of GBV and increased reporting of cases. This has had a profound impact on the safety, health, and human rights of women and girls.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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