Hassana Maryam Abdou

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Hassana Maryam Abdou

Gender Officer
  • info@darem.org
  • (+237) 677-438-905
  • Opposite Royal Pharmacy Great Soppo, Buea

Hassana Maryam Abdou is an indigenous Mbororo girl with Master’s degree in Geography from the University of Buea, Cameroon. She has gained valuable real-life experiences which makes her stay updated with current industrial practices. She is also passionate about volunteering and advocating for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a particular focus on gender equality, quality education for all, and good health and well-being. Her commitment to these causes drives her to continuously and actively participate in community and departmental initiatives. Throughout her academic and professional journey, she has earned several certificates from conferences and workshops

Gender Officer

overseeing all the gender base operations and activities of Darem

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