Hussaina Fadimatou Abdou

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Hussaina Fadimatou Abdou

Finance Officer
  • (+237) 677-438-905
  • Opposite Royal Pharmacy Great Soppo, Buea

Hussaina Fadimatou Abdou is a Masters Degree holder in Social Anthropology. She is a dedicated Youth and Gender Activist with a strong background in GBV prevention, Peace Building, and Humanitarian Action. With expertise in SRHR education, Community Development, and Data Analysis, she advocates for Youth Empowerment and Women’s Empowerment initiatives. Equipped with certifications in PSEA, and specialized training in Gender and Conflict Resolution, she is committed to driving positive change and impactful community initiatives to empower marginalized groups and promote social well-being. Her focus remains on collaborative efforts in GBV prevention, Peace Building, and Community Development for meaningful impact and lasting change.

Finance Officer

overseeing all the financial operations of Darem

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