Economic Empowerment on Skills Development for Indigenous Mbororo Women and School Dropouts’ Adolescent Girls in Buea

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Economic Empowerment on Skills Development for Indigenous Mbororo Women and School Dropouts’ Adolescent Girls in Buea


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DAREM, in partnership with CIVICUS, conducted a capacity-building workshop for 50 indigenous women and adolescent girls. The workshop focused on ICT skills, social media, income-generating activities, SRHR, and GBV. Participants gained knowledge on livelihood skills and 20 participants received start-up resources. They pledged to support their communities and spread awareness. The workshop highlighted the importance of professional approaches and market strategies for pastries. Participants expressed interest in further capacity-building sessions. Stakeholder feedback emphasized the significance of empowering indigenous Mbororo people and combating stereotypes. Acknowledging DAREM’s efforts, stakeholders encouraged continuous education and sensitization on SRHR and GBV. The workshop exemplified the positive impact of civil society organizations and highlighted the ongoing challenges in marginalized communities


To train and empower 50 indigenous women and school dropouts’ adolescent girls on basic ICT skills and the use of social media platforms for dissemination of income generating activities on pastries as well as increased their knowledge on SRHR and GBV


50 indigenous women and school dropout adolescent girls.

Expected Outcomes:

50 indigenous young girls and women from 6 priority high affected conflict communities gained increased knowledge on livelihood skills on the production of fish pie, egg roll and massah. They also gained knowledge on ICT, SRHR and GBV prevention.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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