Sexual Reproductive Health and Menstrual Hygiene Management

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Sexual Reproductive Health and Menstrual Hygiene Management


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Lack of knowledge and access to sexual and reproductive health resources is a major challenge, especially for girls and young women in Mbororo and marginalized communities. This project will provide comprehensive SRHR education and improve menstrual hygiene management for 50 adolescent girls. The outreach program was to educate 50 young girls to break the silence, raise awareness and change negative social norms around menstrual hygiene.  The activity was followed by educating the girls on what to do during menstruation, how to use and disposed pads and ended with the destruction of sanitary pad to the young girls.

To deliver age-appropriate SRHR education covering topics like puberty, family planning, and STI prevention.
To distribute menstrual hygiene products and provide training on proper use and maintenance.

50 young girls

Expected Outcomes:
50 girls demonstrate increased knowledge and confidence related to their sexual/reproductive health and rights.
All 50 girls have access to and are using appropriate menstrual hygiene products and practices.
The 50 girls share their SRHR knowledge with family/community members, reaching an additional 150 people.
The 50 girls share their SRHR knowledge with family/community members, reaching an additional 150 people.
Local health clinics report an increase in adolescent girls accessing SRHR services in the targeted community.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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