Sexual Reproductive Health Sensitization in Tole Community

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Sexual Reproductive Health Sensitization in Tole Community


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A sensitization activity on sexual and reproductive health rights was organized by DAREM in TOLE south-west region, with a total of 30 young girls. This session aimed to educate participants about their rights regarding sexual and reproductive health, including information on contraception, family planning, and safe practices. The sensitization session involved interactive discussions, allowing participants to ask questions, share their concerns, and engage in dialogue about sexual reproductive health issues. This fostered a safe and open environment for learning and exchanging information.

To raise awareness about sexual and reproductive health rights among the participants.
To provide information and knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene management.
To distribute sanitary pads to ensure better menstrual hygiene practices.

30 young girls

Expected Outcomes:
To increased awareness among the participants regarding their sexual and reproductive health rights.
To improved Menstrual Hygiene Management through the distribution of sanitary pads.
To fostered a sense of community support and solidarity among the participants.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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