
Adult Education

Adult Education DAREM places a strong emphasis on adult education programs for the Mbororo and other vulnerable communities they serve. These skills includes literacy classes Vocational training skills development in areas like agriculture, handicrafts, and small business management. The goal is to empower adults to become more self-sufficient and improve…
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Climate Change and Justice

Climate Change and Justice As an organization working with Indigenous and marginalized groups, climate change is a major concern for DAREM. It advocate for climate policies and programs that protect the rights and livelihoods of the Mbororo and other vulnerable populations who are disproportionately impacted by the effects of a…
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Women’s Economic Empowerment

Women’s Economic Empowerment Women in the Mbororo and other communities served by DAREM often face significant barriers to economic participation and independence. DAREM runs vocational training and entrepreneurship programs specifically tailored to empower women financially and help them generate their own incomes. DAREM also work to address social and cultural…
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Peacebuilding and Human Rights

Peace Building and Human Rights Protecting the human rights of the Mbororo and other vulnerable groups is a core part of DAREM’s mission. DAREM monitor human rights abuses, provide legal aid, and engage in advocacy to promote peace, security, and justice for the communities it serves. This includes working to…
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Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights

Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights DAREM recognizes the importance of sexual and reproductive health and rights, especially for women and girls in the communities we work with. We run educational campaigns, provide access to family planning services, and work to combat harmful practices like child marriage. Our goal is to…
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Health Sensitization and GBV Prevention

Health Sensitization and GBV Prevention Improving health outcomes and preventing gender-based violence (GBV) are key priorities for DAREM. We conduct community health education and outreach, connect people to medical services, and work to shift social norms and behaviors that enable GBV. These include engaging men and boys as allies in…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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